A multi-awards winning IoTool - Internet of Things (IoT) Dashboard / Gateway allows to collect data (as data logger) from internal and wireless sensors. IoTool automates tasks (sensors, triggers, actions, recipes) and works as a Gateway to the Cloud.
SmartCity, SmartCar, Industry 4.0, Home automation, eHealth, SeniorCare, Education, Research. IoTool is also used for customized mobile crowdsensing applications.
You can use or develop IoTool extensions for sensors, triggers, actions, recipes, messages, cloud. More: (https://play.google.com/store/search?q=iotool&c=apps or https://iotool.io/extensions).
IoTool works with more than 100 different sensors;
- Sensor readouts in real time - connect, monitor, track and share sensor data!
- Internal or external (wireless)
- Customized diagrams shown on Dashboard
- Encrypts, Saves and Exports sensor data logs
- Some of supported sensors: Arduino, Audio, Bosch XDK, Flic, Internal sensors, OBD-2, Polar, Ruu.vi, Samsung, Texas Instruments SensorTag, Xiaomi Mi Band HR / Pulse, Video Zephyr/Medronics, ...
- Allows for quick integration of additional internal algorithms like: fall detection, pedometer, location alerts and similar
- Triggers: scheduled, time, based on Sensor readings
- An automatic action or control based on Trigger
- Some of supported actions: Arduino, Bosch, Internal actions, LIFX...
- Shares collected data or sync to main IoT Cloud providers through extensions.
- Some of supported clouds / analytic / visualization: IBM Watson, InitialState, IoTool Cloud, Samsung IoT, using different protocols: proprietary, MQTT,..
If your device is currently not supported, join the discussion on http://www.iotool.io and make a suggestion!
IFTTT, Tasker, Amazon Echo / Alexa, Google Home, Belkin WeMo
- if you wish to make your own Internet of things (IoT) or mobile crowdsensing solution in a very short time - contact us to info@iotool.io